Eiffel tower

I grew up in Paris, but only went to see the tower once. That’s usually what happens to the locals: they don’t do the touristy things.

A few years ago, I went with a friend of mine on a foggy Sunday morning and took some photos. The structure is amazing and makes great monochrome shots.

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Quincaillerie (iron monger or hardware store) is apparently a word English speakers pain to pronounce.

This woman was walking down the street and slowed down in front of the shop. The shop itself is the story: it used to be called Serge Blanco, who was a French rugby player in the 80s. He must have had a chain of shops in his name and I’m guessing they’ve disappeared.

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Tear drop tide

When I was living in Aberdeen, Scotland, I was lucky to have great beaches nearby, with very few people on them (North Sea, brrr!). I spent many morning at sunrise taking photos of the sun and sea.

In this case, the new granite stone groynes had been recently installed to try to keep the sand on the beach instead of letting it go down the coast. I thought they’d make good framing.

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Ginger menace

I have had a Canon 50mm f/1.4 for several years, but I’ve never used it because it was way off and the 5D couldn’t do micro adjustments.

I discovered recently reading the 6D manual that the 7D is also able to do micro adjustments to align lenses with cameras. As the 50mm becomes a 80mm because it’s the 1.6 crop factor, it makes it a pretty good portrait lens.

I made adjustments today and then tested on a semi cooperative ginger cat.

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Beach wreck

Going over old photos, I spotted this one. It was taken on the 15/07/2006 with the Canon 350D + Sigma 10-20mm (my standard landscape shooting gear at the time). I liked it because the wreck looks like a beached whale.

I converted it to monochrome years ago, but I wasn’t entirely happy with the result. So I processed it again.

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Ivy tunnel

While I wait for the 6D to arrive and for time to go out and take photos, I’ve been converting some old photos.

I called this one “Ivy tunnel”. It was taken in Paris on the 30/09/2006 using the old Canon 350D + Canon 17-55 f/2.8 IS.

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