
Welcome to my photography site.


I’m a 40 something software engineer. OK, in reality I’m looking 50 right in the eye. I picked up photography over 20 years ago and did a lot of it for many years. Over time, other priorities took over and I neglected it. I recently decided to go back to it and concentrate on monochrome.



The kitens that were born a year ago are called Tom, Harry, Ash, and Greedy. This is Harry, #Photography #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #BlackAndWhite #Caturday


In the middle of nowhere, in the Scottish Highlands, I found that monument one day I was going to the West coast to take photos with a friend of mine. It was unexpected and the sun was just rising behind it. It reminds me of one of my favourite ST:Voyager episodes: Memorial. #Photography #BlackAndWhite #BlackAndwhotePhotography …
